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Just brutally honest, not bitchy. i am nowhere perfect
i eat when im bored
i fall for boys
i am vunerable to believing lies
i make up excuses for everything
i have bestfriends and enemies
i have drama and memories
i am an average teenage girl♥




msn: fz_og@hotmail.com (its also my facebook email add.) :)

Me not you.


Credit if any codes from here is used. Dont remove( : Created by Jasmine ( : Click me x

Friday, May 30, 2008

hey3 kinders..yes eza, i want US back too..

eza tau kn yg ira cyg krg 2..so ira pn maafkn krg..

minta maaf zahir dan batin ehq krg..(ehq mcm da hari

raya plak ira nie.wakakaka) bt no matter wat ira minta maaf kae!

so cn we start our journey of rainbows bck??still gt long way to go

taw..bt in an extra ordinary friendship,there must b fights between

us..tats shows we are going to be ready for everyting we going 2

face negatively in future after we had tiz kind of fight n solve it too..

hehe..kn ira da mcm lectures..after ira da get bck ngan krg i juz

kinda miz faed..ira pn nk get bck mcm gini ngan dier bt its too late..

tkper la ira ade krg kn..i can share love with u guys kn?

my personal feeling..(nk type je kt sini coz i cant share w/ some1

olady) ira superb sad..klau ade faed i can

actually share my probs..baby, i will luv u

4ever..hope u cn get better gurl aites..

nt joking,ur a gd guy..tk menyesal i kasi

my life to u..to bdk 612.u guys are fun,

bt sumtimes quite irritating..my abg(s)

jgn change2 gurls laa..setia sikit tkleh ke

??hmm..skg ira bkn ngan krg smue agi

bt u guys r still my abgs2 n akaks2..

4 faed.u still my lover..ane la tau we will

patch at other generations..our love

will be there flying around in heaven..

seriously im happy n half side sad..

happi coz da baek wif my gurls n sad coz

kehilangan faed..i juz take a bow wif

tiz..i will cry ile c our photo when

we go out to town tat tyme..da la ira juz

go lalalala kae..

thx..bb..rustyheart chows..

(anw,my hp kne confiscate by papa so

klau nk contact,kol uma ajer aites)


12:01 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

hello fwens...!!!!!!!!
on the 18 may 08,eza slept ma hse..fun seh!!
we nvr slip..on tat dae plak,faed missing..i keep
on calin hym bt no ans until mama all risau..then i plak saket..haiz!tibe2
dpt kol from hafiz,dier ckp yg sonic n faed kene lockup..i terperanjat..
ni smue sonic nye psl..dier g curi motor sedare dier n gt no license..
kecian faed kene tuduh..alarsmak!!after i comfort mama n uruh dier mkn,
i n eza confrence wif wani n irfan..kecoh rable ar drg nie!! then we pnat,rase nk tdo..
so we slept around 530am-800am!!skejap ajer!!ngantok seh..next tyme tdo agi ehq eza!! till here..chows..bb

4:03 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

outing was fun at town! me,eza,wani,faed,irfan
,richy,wan,hakim,sonic onli ..first,at around 12pm,me n eza
went to wani hse to wait 4 her..and the rest! lamer tau we wait..
sempat take pics..then eza ternmpk faed wearing boxer onli..
she laugh non-stop..wani da siap then she go straight to int..
she wait 4 us there..nk ambik $ first..then kte borin,so we naik uma faed..tunggu
luar,ddk2 kt tangga..me msk gas trowong!hehe..muat sehyy..wakakaka!
we waited 4 faed bt tak klua2..so i msg ar..tibe2 dier kate dier kt uma wan..
haiz uat pnat je me n eza dtg..we then go wan hse..nk tau aper tk,eza knock my head on the wall..saket oi!!kene my lips..then we waited wan to siap,until we
TERslip..pnat seh..then go faed hse,wait dier to siap..nasib tk lamer..
then go int..straight to orchard..we follow them go jammin'..pekak oi..
blh tuli siaz..hahas!tapi fun3!!slapas tuhh,kte g mkn...nasi pataya dier pds seh...
then,we ddk2 kt luar far east plaza smpai kol 8pm.hab fun tau..
msk ais kt baju,cekau2 org..wani ter mention cekau to cakau!!haha..
belo sia
then mie go bck..kla..gt pics to scroll..hab fun scrolling.actually nk post on
the dae itself..tapy pnat..hehe..cya

9:10 PM

Friday, May 16, 2008

hey3 peeps!
narie ok2 ar kt uma..tapy mendak sikit.
chat wif eza,msg wif faed,chat ngan bdk2 msn the whole dae..
bace blog org tk abes2..i miz my kwn2..mane kwn2 aku yg
lame tk ckp??plz la krg,jgn berpecah..i beg u all
ala eza,ko nk bunge kn??
nnt aku leh tanye kn..wakakaka! bsk plak drg ajak g town!
fun2..klau tk gy,nnt org tuhh mrh plak
looking forward to tomorrow.. klah,nw nk chat ngan burfdae gal!!

7:38 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

tis very song refer to someone i had loved..
he actually a good guy n i love hym so much..
bet he cant understand..i dun wan ur presents,
i wan ur lurve onli..is tat difficult??nuting can buy
me ur love rite?onli u..bt nvm im too in the wrong
so,im sorry if im nt been good to you..dunnoe wether
i layak tk jadi urs? i noe u nvr brk my heart b4..
ur a good guy..since u enter,i feel lyke u r the happiness
of my life..n u did last tyme..ive missed the moments
we spend wif laughter..we go through thick n thin 2gether..
i tink im goin to share all my happiness n sorrows
wif u 4 the rest of ma lyfe bt no..i noe ur nt happy wif mie..
i was very semangat to be loved since u enter bt now tat
semangat was hidden somewhere..i juz love u so much tats
when i was very yayaya..thx 4 everyting,im sorry goodbye..
ily dear..bb tc in life..
(btw fwens, im not in sch juz nw coz nt in da mood n ma papa nid
to go korea)-sorry msg nvr eply,kol nvr ans..

10:10 AM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

i juz came bck from east coast..we gather at boon lay int at 930 then we waited 4
hafiz,aidil n syafiee until 10..then took the mrt to bedok..then from bedok int,we board the 196
bus then straight to east coast tapi kene jln sikit aje..jln bawa tunnel..fun jugak ar klua
ngan bdk 2t1..tapi da smpai sane,smue uat hal sendiri..bdk
2t1 naik basikal..kte mcm biase jugak mandi laut.. shiok tau..
wave dier besar2..air pasang seh..after smue uat hal sendiri,kte smue berendam dlm air..
hahs!! then drg smue tanam hairi(buah dier besAr jugak) hahas..maen2 je..
tu pn drg yg ckp..after tat,kte main 'monyet' kt laut..gilerk sia..
anw,kt sane faizah paling sexy!!hehe..smue mandi pkai shirt except dier!
wakakaka..(jgn mrh za) we had a very long fun there bt too bad i cant stay for nite..
my father fetch me then straight go grandma hse..boring seh..lagi2 drg smue dtg..(faed n fwens)
boring tk dpt umpe..i ask hym to dtg cepat sikit bt he came late...so bad luck ar ira..
i dun noe y i gt a feelin lyke i want to off this..like no point..
da la..mls nk ckp lagy..sorie short2..

7:35 PM

Saturday, May 10, 2008


juz nw i went ti eza hse to discuss

art exams..i played with putra n putri,

eza cats!!so fat sia!!!hehe..berat nk angkat@@

tkle terlarat seh!! ape entah eza kasy mkn 2 due!!

frankly i like putri more eventhough pemalas!!

tapy..due2 pemalas ar..mkn tdo mkn tdo je kejer drg!


oaites till here..bb..ily

11:09 PM


rite then, tiz is my 2nd posting for todae..

im bored tats y i keep posting so pls dont

ask tat type of ques!!

i don mind if u want to ask bt its my problem ahh..

i have tiz very naughty pet rabbit named brownie!

although his nt tat brown bt gt a bit lah..his fur is more to smoke

colour!birthdae is 15 july!! nw he's 1 year olady..tat tyme when i bought was

3 mths old..he was me palm size..cute rite??hehe so small!

nw olady very big n fat..hehe

i want someone to accompany mie in life tats y

i bought him..truely,when i looked at him,

my bad mood went off easily!!style ar..hehe

he lyke to lay down wif mie on my bed..i will hug him tightly

like teddy bear seh!! anw,he eats alot!! wakakaka..

okae larss..tata..brownie pic to show!


8:55 PM


tis my first post for todae..nw im bored!

actually im pretty lonely in life!

example my parents..they always work eventhough on weekend..

mendak seh kt uma berdua ngan adk je..

klau ade mama laen ar..bleh chat2 ngan dier..hehe

klau in sch plak,kte gitu2 jer..i actually mcm lonely lahh..

donnoe y i feel lyke tat la..bt its true i felt lyke tat i at sch..

y i feel lyke i hab no BESTFRIEND???which i do..

strange rite??anw,felt tat i was only a crop to hym/her..

dont want to state the sex n name..

i lurve hym/her lots n very depending on hym/her

akuw mcm dipermaenkan..some1 is rite..she said tat

all tiz musnt called BESTFRIEND..n there is no bestfriend..

all tis are called PART-TYME FRIENDS!!! they are juz to chat along..

its very very very difficult to find a 1 TRUE BESTFRIEND...ppl thought tat best

friend is 1 tat follows each other to where they go..once again,tats nt bestfriends..

aites then..bye

10:21 AM

Friday, May 9, 2008

i juz love tis gurl!!!!!!!!!!

10:27 PM

ellow there!!

im bored here!! im at ma grandma hse!

nasib ade laptop! wakakaka=)

atleast cn do my blog,check fwensta n chat!!

da la tadi gdh ngan ma adk coz of psp..

tapi tk argue trok ar..hehe..

kdg2 binget ngan ma adk coz of his NAUGHTY behavior..

tapi nk buat aper kn..kene sabar je ar!!

watever it is, lets talk bout other topic kae~~

aper ehq nk ckp??emm..yeepee! skg exams da over

cant wait to get the results!i hope ill pass all..

if nt all,then atleast cn pass my eng,malay,sci n home econ!

yup2 tats it! bt really its complicated if want to pass all..

wee..on the 8 may which was yesterdae..eza,zana,zee n lina came ma hse..

we are so the called gilerk!! hehe

kte kcau zee n zana rabak2..zana kene sampai kaki lebam..

kecian dier..wakakaka!fun seh kte maen kt bilik! nyanyi lagu'balik kampong'

sambil add extra sound!!hehe selenga ar kte..

dala pnat seh..hehe

jumpe the next post

9:37 PM


u all lyke watchin' spongebob??

weeee..for mie i LOVE it!!!

i watched it nt bcoz of spongebob!!!

i noe u all lyke the famous spongebob squarepants!!

although ma hse is full of spongebob cushion,

i nt mad bout hym tat much!!


hehe...for mie hes nt a fish bt a star..

aper sajer la ira!mepek luhs!! wakakaka =)

y lyke patrick uhh??


i find tat pat is moore cuter than sb!!

coz he's preety dumb!! i lyke his stupidness..

nt tat i want to follow his stupidness bt

i find it a million of laughter!!!

i lyke his bulgy stomach..so cute!!!

spongebob dont hab stomach seh!! hes nt cute!

only if he smile a cute way..spongebob also very serious!!!

dun lyke seh..wakaka..sorry ehq spongebob fans!! i dont mean to

talk bad bout spongebob..i juz speak the truth..

okae lars,, pnat ckp psl nie!! HEHE..


5:39 PM

5:06 PM


published again?? yaya..nutink to do =0

anw,im missing ma cuz,firkha..shes actually a total cuter

lurb her dimples! i noe she will nt 4get US here..we are closed since

babies..sometimes ppls will call us like the powerpuff girls..in total we are 3!

firkha,raimi,ira..im the last 1..hehe! actually powerpuff girls is a cute name i tink!

firkha lykes buttercup,wani lykes blossom,mie lyke bubbles!!! firkha is a swit gal!

shes like a star to me!!bt im feelin mentally irritated..she nvr meet us tiz few mths..

nt even called! wen she on9, she then will of9 bck..tk smpai 5 mins da off!! geram seh...

bt nvm,im okae...i juz hope tat she will b fine n enjoy her life there wif her fams..

wokays,signin off,ira!! ily smue!!

4:32 PM


im at my hse nw wit eza,zana,lina,fad n zee..

eza sick demam pns luhh..boring seh tk dgr

dier nye JERITAN!! wakaka!

smlm gdh ngan eza!! stress seh tat tyme!

she dun 1 2 talk 2 mie sgt! bt nw okae olady=)

yea, on the 13 may 2008,mie n my bestf goin

to east coast lpk2!! yeepee.tk cabar seh..

talkin bout fwenss, i lurb them lots..

treat them like ma siblings!!!!hehe

Tats true u noe guys..eza is our big sis!

treat her like one larhss..din noe y i admire her so much

n i felt tat shes understandable towards everyting..

once again eza,if im very irritating towards u,

pls do forgib mie..dont make mie lose a friend lyke u..

ur a good persons n good persons will not be forgotten

by peoples! tats my princip..anw yg laen jgn pikir2 yg laen plak!

ily guys very muchhh..pokoknya,kamu semua tidak akan saya lupakan!

wahh..ira ckp indon nmpk..hehe! selangor la ira..

weee..best nye type2 bt im tired nw! nk bathe then slip!!


3:57 PM