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Just brutally honest, not bitchy. i am nowhere perfect
i eat when im bored
i fall for boys
i am vunerable to believing lies
i make up excuses for everything
i have bestfriends and enemies
i have drama and memories
i am an average teenage girl♥




msn: fz_og@hotmail.com (its also my facebook email add.) :)

Me not you.


Credit if any codes from here is used. Dont remove( : Created by Jasmine ( : Click me x

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

heyyy!!dont u guys feel nervous when talking infront of ppls??

well i do! i was nervous when stood infront of the class presenting my pic..

i actually cn eye-contact bt my brain was blank when c ppl watching at me..haha!

well atleast i get 13/20 4 the presentation:) err..i hope nt to do it next year mr lum!

really i cant stand when ppl staring at me when i m presenting..i wil straight away

go BLANK!!~~ish,ira be confident larss!~~watever it is,it help me to improve my eng oral..

anw juz nw at sch was best2!! hehe! during p.e., me n eza nvr go 4 games wit sec4! we follow

ms teng..she nid to deal wit the napha failure students..gahs, nasib zee pass her SBJ olady!

good joob zee!!:) most of them pass the re-test!! glad 4 u guys!!during music, we watch a opera song

video..it was actually a nice song bt a bit irritating..nash follow singing btw..romantic sehyy the phantom..

nw really nutink to do bt i nid to design my dnt car project! gahs! im tired!! lazy taw..dala bynk measurement

to do..nk design lagi!! eeee!geram ar! nid to study very hard 4 eoy exams!! 1 mth left seyy..very much work,very little tyme! :( endure wit it ira!! want to show my parents tat i cn go to a true train class

next year..




5:35 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008

herlo!!gahs,19 more daes to my burfdae!!! cant wait luhs!

anw,wat happen todae was really fun fun and fun!!

first of all,dnt period..it went as per normal bt we must prepare 4 our project!

second was my history period..it was SUPERB! Mr chong nvr cum! we gt brk 4 an hr!

third thing..eng!i no nid to present my pic todae bt postpone to 2mrw..more tyme to prepare hah!

fourth thing..sci..study as per normal 2 bt felt lyke half an hr although it was 1 hr..hahas..

fifth..lifeskills!! mdm ye not around as she was bz in the hall! no teacher in class so uat bising ar!!

then was dismissed by Ridhaufi..i went bck wit adyla,singgah KFC jap..mkn! i want to go bck early coz

pnat n having headache!!sorry zee n zana nvr teman u guys!!love u!!haha..juz nw,i juz edit my blog..

lawa tk kwn2??anyting juz SHOUT at shoutbox kae! lalala..lapar sehyy skg!!waitin 4 mama to bring food!

haiya..from juz nw havent eat..lmbt ar..okae la until here ehq


BYE2 SYG(s),


5:54 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

harlu =) erm,wt is it lyke to hab a new life?i mean is it goin 2 b better or

wt? somedaes had been over n i dont feel happy..im lyke a gal who is

is been controlling by devils..devils dont make ppl feel hapi rite??

so tat is wt im felin nw..common test is over juz hab to wait 4 the results!

gahs, u noe wt,i tink ppl(untk org yg terase) dont hab privacy 4 me..

she n she read my diary without my concern..kurang ajar kn???

alamak! tkde amanah punye org!sedar diri la! lain kali jgn main bace diary

org..its personal!!get it??lagi satu,klau da bace,admit je n jgn nk ilang2

org laen isi dier luhhs! ade kehormatan sikit ar!ish,alamak!!geram sehyy!

if i read ur's,would u scold me??yes rite!atleast u wil do is 2 be mad at me

4 a long tyme rite??pls la ehq,i oso cn do tat!klau bace lagi, jage2 la ehq.

enough of tiz drama!ihateit! anw fwens,im million tanx 2 u guys 4

comforting me..ily!!juz nw at sch was fun!hahs! zana syg,asl tk dtg sei??

ish nvm lahs..hehe! anw,agi 22 more daes is my grand dae! burfdae is coming!

too bad it falls on fasting mth bt nvm dpt berkat taw..hahs!


your truly,


8:06 PM