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Just brutally honest, not bitchy. i am nowhere perfect
i eat when im bored
i fall for boys
i am vunerable to believing lies
i make up excuses for everything
i have bestfriends and enemies
i have drama and memories
i am an average teenage girl♥




msn: fz_og@hotmail.com (its also my facebook email add.) :)

Me not you.


Credit if any codes from here is used. Dont remove( : Created by Jasmine ( : Click me x

Monday, February 23, 2009

im currently watching SUTUN nw..later at night
gt ppl want to view my hse..yar they r buying it..
sedih seh!tkpe uh..nw i happy giler!!!!!!
my boify come bck 2day!weehoo...
atlast the 10 daes is over...im lovin it! ok ira cukop la!
todae was fun..erm ya..fun la...i gt 44/50 for MT...
tat is a improvement!haha..at class we talk nonsence..
as usual la kn...after school i went home straight coz all my besties
got cca..mine is 2morrow...he juz kol me a 3 mins ago!!
i was surprised!!i miz hym..tats y!!
me: hello!
me:where are u nw?
hym:im in the airport b..
me:serious?(in a happy tone)
me:k then mit u later!!!!!
tat was hw happy i am!!!!!!!
klah..i want to tidy my hse..ltr gt ppl view hse larhs!!!!!!


3:07 PM

Thursday, February 19, 2009

hello hello n hello!
at home now,updating FS n THIS! this week is the common test
but 2morrow is the last paper; MALAY..hope to be easy.
anw kept thinking about the group which went to indonesia..
its been 7 daes olady. i miss hym badly. :( faster come back lah..
pls3! come bck to todae activity.., 2day was so the fun! we pay
attention in most of the lesson.the class was not noisy as the past few daes..
actually 1 negative thingy happened juz nw; serena wallet lost!(find olady bt w/o $)
she lost it after we sat 4 the common test! bt in the 1st place,y she put it on the
table??..so half of it is her fault..come on guys,we should nt be careless n tc of our things!!
the funny part was tat she found her wallet at the trash bin!k fine, our suspect is 1 of
the pupil in the class~certainly its not me okey!
i nvr went out the class juz nw..to the 1 who steal, PLS ADMIT! so tat ur punishment
will not be too harsh ya?? so now im reali tired..so..ya im tired!
insyaallah bsk update *


4:30 PM