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Just brutally honest, not bitchy. i am nowhere perfect
i eat when im bored
i fall for boys
i am vunerable to believing lies
i make up excuses for everything
i have bestfriends and enemies
i have drama and memories
i am an average teenage girl♥




msn: fz_og@hotmail.com (its also my facebook email add.) :)

Me not you.


Credit if any codes from here is used. Dont remove( : Created by Jasmine ( : Click me x

Thursday, February 25, 2010

thank god all the stressing papers are done. confident to pass? haha. nah. yea tmr is the last paper which is malay. im lovin it. haha. but hell with the 'peribahasa' thingy.urgh!. just now physics paper turns out to easy. my hard work pays off. :) i think. chemist? dont even bother. i really dont know what they are asking for.(some). gees. know what? i just have to say this.. i really love my girlfys so much. haha. random. gaahs. todae its fazliana birthday and yea she too get into the same situation like farah did but worse.water + shampoo.. haha. happy birthday dear. love euu so much. actually super speechless now so yea im ending my post now okey. bye.


7:57 PM

Monday, February 22, 2010

hello.The day's been long.I just got home.And school is driving me crazy.I could do up
I could go out.But I'm feelin too lazy.I wanna run.I wanna have fun
But I don't wanna work it
All I wanna do is go and kick it with my girlfriends tonight! gosh!
Too bad im having my common test tmr until friday. haiyoo ! english paper
tmr. anw this past few days im having a really wierd dreams. the dreams got somehow linked with my past memories or doings.It's the memories i can see.then this fear comes over me.this one person exist in my dream. he looked so much in anger.please understand that i dont mean to push you away from me.im sorry.please understand that its not you it's what i do. i know you got a way of easing me out of myself but i cant let you do that because im am my worst enemy.this person is somehow very wierd. he asked me to do such things that will never be done by me in all means.is my past doings get me involed in this situation?seriously im afraid.i try to forget about it but yet its hard.truely.but i must.erm and yea im craving for joliebeans and candies! yums! maybe should get those tmr. haha.


5:49 PM

Friday, February 19, 2010

ohh gosh! common test is very near ! i mean is really really damn near.! i have not even do my proper revisions yet. shit!time seemed to have stood still! everytime when i am doing some assignments,i felt startled because of those freaking questions that i dont really know what they are asking ! Geesss ! common test is like 4 days away! pfft. no time?no revise?confirm dont do well? NO! cant be this way iraa. tensions all over! urghhs! words? numbers?formulas? oh gosh! really stress me out!


6:23 PM

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer.
It pleases me no end to say,
I wish you another great year.
So happy birthday to you (farah<3),
From the bottom of my heart.
And may your good times multiply;

todae school was hell yeah fun! but todae alot of test ! out of 3 tests,2 are sudden ones;physics and social studies.teachers never tell the class about it.gosh!for social studies,mr chong marks on the spot and yea atleast i passed it! failures must come to school tmr morning at 650am for remedial . physics? haha dont bother .shit . anyone can help me in physics? huh? anyone? geess. and yea we have the chance to 'torture' dear farah after school. pity you. haha. we so sorry but we have to darling. sorry to make u go home in that situation. . wet ! .haha. shits! common test is around the corner ! anw im pleased to have a teacher like you; u make me interested in poa . last year i was 'ding dong' in this freaking subject but now i can past my poa test.last year i can only get one digit for most of the test . pfft. thats all for today post peeps!


4:53 PM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love is not a thing to understand.

Love is not a thing to feel.

Love is not a thing to give and receive.

Love is a thing only to become

And eternally be.

6:38 PM

Sunday, February 14, 2010

first off all i wanna wish happy 'chinese new year' and 'valentines day' to peoples who are celebrating it. yesterday i went for chinese new year reunion wif family. we ate seafood ! gosh uncle ordered alot including the chili crabs.i admired the butter prawns but yet cant finish it.me and chika was damn FULL.the foods there was a blast.we got to see the seaview as underneath us was a sea.scary though.enough for the reunion.
yesterday i received 3 calls and they were prank calls. it was super late at night.suspect it was a girl as her voice seems to be one.she accused me of stealing other people boyfriend.fcuk! HEAR THIS !, I'm gross out by that freaking voice of yours.

Fcuk. Stop being childish babe. Got nothing to do is it? If i steal people's BF, prove it BITCH.

Cause i know i'm not guilty. Dumb, if you think that this is funny, Well i don't think so. Horrible

BITCH, i'm not that fool to get pranked by you. I dare you to call again. I'm not

scared, LOSER! And And, you're just wasting your time. Jealous? So be it then.URGGH ..!!!

whatever it is im way too not interested with this kind of people. so yeah to this kind of

peeps-i know u are too lonely until u need to bad prank others to keep urself entertain I

REALLY PITY U. gosh! stupids!


8:23 PM

Saturday, February 13, 2010

1. Do you hate the last guy you texted?
* Ann. Nope he's my good friend.
2. When was the last time you took a nap?
* Just now. It was for like 30 mins. -_-
3. Do you only drink bottled water?
* No.
4. What are you listening to right now?
* brokenheart'.
5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
6. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
* my bro.
7. What's on your mind most today?
* P.P
8. Something that happened today that made you angry?
* Alot gossips here n there.
9.Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
* usually hide, but i'll open up to certain people
10. Do you wear makeup?
* Not really .
11. Are you missing someone?
* Hell yeah!
12. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
* i guess so?
13. What instant messaging service do you use?
* msn? -_-
14. Would you date/hook up with your brothers best friend?
* What?! Hell no?,
15. Have you ever had a panic attack?
* dk!?
16. What color is your hair?
* brownishblack?
17. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
* mum.
18. Are you happy or sad right now?
* Sad :)
19. Is your phone right beside you?
* uhhuh,
20. Are you cold?
* Kind of?
21. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
* 4a2 gathering chalet?. Oh GOSH!
22. First thing you did when you woke up?
23. What does your best friend call you?
* ira?
24. Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
* Thunderstorm.
25. Who do you call the most?
* Now? farzana?.
26. What were you doing 10 hours ago?
* wathing movies wif parents?
27. Have you ever fought for the opposite sex?
* Uh-uh.
28. Are you that good at math?
* erm.no i guess/.
29. Do/did you listen to your parents?
* Yeahh
30. At what age did you learn to ride a bike?
* the two wheel one uh, 9.
31. What's your favorite holiday?
* december?
32. Ever dyed your hair?
* Yess.
33. Love anyone right now ?
* Everyone!
34. Do you cry a lot?
* Uh-uh.
35. Are you good at keeping secrets?
* i think?
36. What did you do today?
* help mum?/.
37. Do you crack your knuckles?
* arsewipe, yes.
38. What kind of tattoos do you want to have?
* idk/
39. Do you give special ringtones to
certain people?
* Nope.
40. Have you talked mean about anyone
* Yess? HAHA
41. Can you remember your last dream?
* Omgay i wouldnt want to.
42. Have you ever done something you
told yourself you wouldn't do?
* Uh-uh.
46. Suppose you see your boyfriend/girlfriend kissing another person, what would you do?
* Oh my. i'll go up to the girl and say ' hello bitch.' And slap the bloody busted..
47. What is bothering you right now?
48. Can you type over 60 words per minute?
* no lah i don't think so, maybe 60 "i"'s
49. Would you date someone who already has a child?
* HAHAH maybe? HAHAH
50. What will you be doing 5 hours from now?
* sleeping. i think.


7:36 AM

Thursday, February 11, 2010

its hard to clear all doubts that in my mind. i feel paranoid.i dont know. i feel out of place. i dont know. i feel sad. i dont know. i feel agitated. i dont know. here i am again, starring at the same four walls. im thinking. it drains me out. i feel weak. i dont know. im growing numb. i dont know. for someone who has felt so strong and now its gone. the sky is falling.i dont understand. im trying to.i guess its alright. i guess. but somehow,i dont feel right. i dont know.
euu guys really getting on our nerves. euu guys just cant make people feel right. all that euu guys know is to hurt their feelings so deeply. why cant euu guys be abit smpathytic? its really a childish way to act tat way. really CHILDISH ..its your mistake so just admit it and clear off. its matter of fact SIMPLE..


5:44 PM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

straight to my post now; i wonder could it be im missing euu so much or wat?? did i lose my love to someone better? and does she love euu like i do boy? so much i need to say,been lonely since the day euu went away from my life..so sad but true,for me there's only euu and i been crying since the day euu left boy..i remember date and time,january 20 wednesday night~11pm..
no longer laughing with each other,calling in the night,msgin sweet texts,hanging out together and celebrating monthly anniversary and ofcourse exchanging sweet hugs and kisses****
we were letting go of something really special,something we'll never have again..why do we never know what we got til its gone now boy?? how could i carry on? caused i been missing euu so much,i have to say been sucking so much since the day u forget about US .. i wanted to tell euu bout my feeling but i guess its too late now. i guess we should go our own way.
i know my post kinda dejected but i have to .. sorry people..


5:51 PM

Monday, February 8, 2010

hey peoples!
sorry for not updating for such a long long time. whatever it is i'm starting a new chapter of my life this year. -a brand new one; .. i must forget about hym but yet its too hard. but its a MUST
rite? hmph..so yea im really happy to have friends like u all. -farah,zana,feeza,wanie,lina-
u guys make me smile widely everydae and im pleased. thank youu gals! <3 todae,i really pissed off with sum1..krg ingat krg bnyk nyer fair per?? huh?? like one of my friends say,"drg ingat drg bnyk nyer hensem per??smpai nk kutok2 org??cermin la diri krg dulu la ehk!"seriously i support. gosh jgn nk kutok2 org larr..nnt krg kne balik. anw,psl (insert name),jgn nk besar2 kan perkara la..mata ko tuh yg tk btol..aku tkde mase la nak jeling2 org ..mcm org gile kan nk jeling2 org with no reason..bodoh pe ko.hmph..
im ending my post here..i try to update regularly orite. bye

6:41 PM